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Northern Vermont University

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Salary Score







0% of 0 students said this degree improved their career prospects
0% of 0 students said they would recommend this school to others
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By the OnlineU team | Updated 1/19/2023

Fast Facts

Average Financial Aid: $9,572

Accreditation: Northern Vermont University is acredited by 1 agencies

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Salary Score for Online Degrees at Northern Vermont University

Bachelor's Degrees

Psychology, General $25,000 $31,456 72
Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology Not Reported $37,519 63
Music $22,955 $28,154 62
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities $22,269 $32,435 49
Business Administration, Management and Operations $22,412 $36,175 25
Accounting and Related Services $25,000 $38,402 11

FAQs About Northern Vermont University

Is Northern Vermont University Online?

It's common for many popular online schools to feature a campus for local students. In the case of NVU, students can take classes online and in person through the school's dual campuses in Johnson and Lyndonville, Vermont. While there are dozens more degree programs available on campus, UVA still offers several associate, bachelor's, and master's degrees that students can take entirely online. These include degrees in accounting, early childhood education, psychology, and more. About one-quarter of undergraduates at NVU study exclusively online

Is Northern Vermont University Legitimate?

Students can tell if NVU is legitimate by looking at its accreditation status. Accreditation refers to the process of a third-party education agency verifying the quality of a school's programs and teachers. All schools on the OnlineU website are accredited to ensure legitimacy. Specifically, NVU is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education to offer in-person and online classes at all degree levels.

What Is Northern Vermont University Known For?

NVU is best known for its personalized program offerings. Online class sizes are small, with a 22-student enrollment cap, and students can customize their degrees to meet their specific goals. There are also two completely self-designed degree options. 

NVU Live Online offers a personalized format for local students interested in taking classes online. This hybrid option blends synchronous meetings with the added benefit of completing coursework remotely from a personal computer.

Which Degrees at NVU Provide the Highest Earnings for Graduates?

The highest earning degree at NVU is the online Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. During the three years after graduation, students can expect to earn a median annual salary of ~$48,000, according to College Scorecard data. Another online degree where students can expect similarly high earnings is the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, which has a median annual salary of ~$36,000. Additionally, students can tailor the Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies to include other high earning degree fields from NVU — including communications technologies and physical education.  

OnlineU's Salary Score is another helpful metric for determining the earnings potential of a degree from NVU. This proprietary data compares alumni salaries from different schools using the same programs. NVU has a score of 52 out of 100 at the bachelor's level and 22 out of 100 at the master's level. 

Is NVU a Hard School To Get Into?

Examining its acceptance rate is the best way to determine if a school is difficult to get into. According to College Scorecard, NVU has an acceptance rate of 76%. This is just above the national average, generally around 60%. 

One entry barrier for some students hoping to save money on college is the high cost of an application. Undergraduate applicants at NVU are required to pay a $50 fee during the submission process and then pay a tuition deposit once accepted. 

What Are the Admission Requirements for NVU?

The admissions requirements at NVU vary depending on the type of student applying. For example, those applying to the Early Childhood Education degree program must submit separate work and education experience that's relevant to the field. Meanwhile, transfer students must have a 2.0 GPA to apply. 

In general, students can follow the steps below to apply:

  • Fill out an online application through NVU's website.
  • Students with less than 18 college credits must submit high school transcripts. 
  • Those with experience are required to send college transcripts. 

There are no requirements for personal essays for students with previous college experience, and college entrance exams are optional for all students at the undergraduate level.