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University of Nebraska at Kearney

3 Reviews

Salary Score







University of Nebraska at Kearney</a>.">0% of 3 students said this degree improved their career prospects
University of Nebraska at Kearney</a>.">0% of 3 students said they would recommend this school to others
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By the OnlineU team | Updated 1/19/2023


Rankings Reviews

Fast Facts

Average Financial Aid: $7,217

Accreditation: University of Nebraska at Kearney is acredited by 8 agencies

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Salary Score for Online Degrees at University of Nebraska at Kearney

Bachelor's Degrees

Fine and Studio Arts Not Reported $34,045 98
Business Administration, Management and Operations $18,059 $45,894 68
Criminal Justice and Corrections $19,663 $37,019 64
Social Work $24,213 $32,612 57
History $21,321 $30,248 53
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities Not Reported $31,301 43
Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods $18,314 $34,606 38
Psychology, General $20,475 $22,034 7

Master's Degrees

Fine and Studio Arts $25,500 $53,665 100
History $21,844 $50,130 89
Biology, General $32,000 $54,246 79
Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods Not Reported $49,159 61
Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas $18,245 $51,490 60
Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics Not Reported $52,205 54
Educational Administration and Supervision $18,842 $56,208 52
Curriculum and Instruction $13,300 $48,157 44
Special Education and Teaching $19,738 $49,040 41
Communication Disorders Sciences and Services $36,099 $49,410 16

FAQs About University of Nebraska at Kearney

Does UNK Have Online Classes?

Yes, UNK has online classes, including 15 fully online bachelor’s degrees. You can choose from areas of study such as business administration, communication, criminal justice, psychology, social work, and sociology. Coursework and instruction are delivered via the Canvas learning management system, an online learning platform that allows students to access the program curriculum securely through their desktop or phone. 

Students participate in class and engage with instructors and peers through online discussion posts, video lectures, presentations, and writing assignments posted in Canvas. Courses are delivered either asynchronously (enabling you to participate at any time) or synchronously (where you log in on a set schedule). You can meet to work on group projects or talk with your instructors over web conferencing platforms, such as Zoom.

Is The University of Nebraska at Kearney a Good School?

Yes, UNK is a good school, and employers respect its online degrees. You can generally judge if a school is legitimate by its accreditation status. Institutional accreditation is granted to schools that pass independent reviews conducted by agencies that the U.S. Department of Education recognizes. Schools must prove that they practice fiduciary responsibility and that the academic programs meet high standards. Importantly, all online schools represented on OnlineU are accredited. The University of Nebraska at Kearney, specifically, is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

What Is The University of Nebraska at Kearney Known For?

UNK is known for its liberal arts programs, and it's a leading institution for teacher education. The school’s curriculum and delivery methods have expanded over the years to remain progressive. Today, students who need scheduling flexibility can complete degree programs online in numerous liberal arts disciplines in addition to education programs. UNK has over 500 online classes and boasts an online community of over 2,000 peers. 

Which Degrees at UNK Provide the Highest Earnings for Graduates?

According to U.S. government data from College Scorecard, UNK’s online bachelor’s degrees in Applied Health Sciences and Business Administration can yield the highest earnings. Graduates of these programs earn annual median salaries of approximately $54,000 and $52,500, respectively. 

How Difficult Is It To Get Into UNK?

It’s not very difficult to get into UNK as it accepts 88% of applicants. To be considered for enrollment, first-year students should score 20 or higher on the ACT or 1040 or higher on the SAT's critical reading and math section. In place of completing these entrance exams, students who rank in the top half of their graduating class or have a 3.0 GPA or higher may also be considered for enrollment. Students may be eligible for “assured admission” if they meet these requirements and complete specific core classes at the high school level.

What Are the Admission Requirements for UNK?

Admission requirements for UNK are typical of many institutions of higher learning. Applying requires the following:

  • Submit an application 
  • Pay a $45 application fee
  • Submit official high school transcripts (or an equivalent that shows proof of core course completion) 
  • Submit any standardized test scores

Student Reviews

Student Reviews

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Katherine Carpio

Reviewed: 8/31/2021

Degree: History

I was an online student through UNK for 2 semesters. I did not feel any sort of academic support during my time as a UNK student. Professors, advisors, and other staff all seemed cold and unhelpful. I strongly recommend going elsewhere. I had to switch back to my old college where I’m happily finishing my MA degree.


Reviewed: 6/18/2021

Degree: Education

Financial aid needs to learn to communicate. I was misinformed so many times, I'm looking to finish my master's elsewhere because of financial aid! Professors were mostly good. Some were terrible about grading in a decent time. Some liked to put words in your mouth when what you wrote about was IN THE MATERIAL THEY GAVE US!!!!!!!!!!! Some also tested us on stuff that didn't matter to the class.

Thomas F.

Reviewed: 3/18/2017

Degree: Biology

The program is not as advertised. The Online Master's in Biology was advertised to me as a working persons degree program. There is a tremendous amount of focus on "busy work", such as discussions, that are run by students and not the professors. There was very little feedback on these discussions and one is always left wondering if the information posted was accurate since the professors did not weigh in or lead the discussions. There were several times when students posted incorrect information... Read More